Dear Friends,


Our office phone number is 870-892-4413.


It is with a mixture of sadness and anticipation that I announce the upcoming closing of my dental practice upon my retirement in July. After 45 years practicing dentistry in Pocahontas, I’ve decided the time is right for me to see what retirement is all about! We all knew this time would come eventually, and I have enjoyed my practice and my patients right up to the end!


We’ve set the date of Wednesday July 31, 2024 as the last day the office will be open. While we’ll still be available to provide for some dental needs up to that date, you should begin looking for another dentist. Oftentimes, the recommendation of friends and relatives can provide the best way to locate a good dentist.


Since our dental x-rays have been in digital format for years, the best way to transfer your x-rays is by e-mail. Once you’ve picked a new dental office, we’ll be happy to email your recent x-rays and pertinent information from your dental record to the office of your choice, at no charge to you.


Just send an email to…

…and provide us with the email address of the office to which you’ll be transferring, and we’ll send the records to them as soon as we can. With thousands of records to transfer, it may take us a few weeks to get them all sent.


After our closing date, the office telephones will not be answered, but you can still make contact through the records email address above if you have questions or need to have records transferred.


Thank you so much for having been a part of this practice!



Patrick Carroll, D.D.S.